Airscript Learn to use Airtable scripts

Generating tasks for projects

If you work on projects, there’s a strong likelihood that you will do similar projects again and again. For example, a software development project will often follow the cycle of:

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Using buttons (part 1)

We saw in a previous post that scripts can accept some input from the user. Airtable has a number of input records and one of these is the input.record method, which allows the user to pick a record and run the script against this record (with some element of the record data being used in the script).

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Setting attachments from URLs

Airtable’s attachment field is useful in lots of different scenarios and the ability to upload lots of different file types makes Airtable a great library tool for pretty much anything. But…the process of getting your files into Airtable can sometime be a bit slow - get the file on your computer, find the record in Airtable, drag the file onto the attachment field of the record, then repeat.

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Using 'filter'

The Javascript filter method is great for iterating through your records and finding those that meet a certain criteria. In this post we’ll retrieve a set of records from Airtable, enter a search term and return the records that contain this term. Here’s our data set - a simple list of email addresses:

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Adding it all up

We’ve looked previously at a technique to sum data from your Airtable base. This post looks at another adding up technique - summing data by some attribute of the data. Here’s our scenario:

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Get help with your Airtable bases

You might not have the time or the in-house resource to bring your Airtable environment up to scratch. Or maybe you want to learn Airtable scripting but you’ve got a pressing deadline that you just need to hit.

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